Page 99 Last two panels
I really like these two panels.

Panel 1: few months before at work, I scribbled a thumbnail on how I wanted this to look on a small sticky note and when I finally got to the panel I was really excited. Don’t be fooled I did not draw all of those cracks like a mad woman, I used a simple free filter of glass cracking. It turned out well.

Panel 2: I was a little nervous about this panel at first because I didn’t know how to go about separating the pieces properly. It took me a few hours to get it right, trial and error. At first I tried to mask the barrier and expose pieces of it, in the end I just used the magnetic tool and separated the barrier copy and paste the pieces and turn them in individual ways. Added some sprinkles and a while line around each piece. Fun fun.
I can go on about every single little detail I did but this post is long enough.